Friday, 30 August 2013

Despair, cyclists: Britain will not become a 'cycling nation' in your lifetime | Peter Walker

Two departmental announcements in the last 48 hours show that for all the government's big words on cycling it has consistently shown no ambition or vision on the subject

The sentiment could hardly be more plain:

The government is committed to turning Britain into a cycling nation to rival our European neighbours.

But it's nonsense. I'll state my case from the start: for all the government's big words on cycling it has consistently shown no ambition or vision on the subject. It's failed, and there's no sign of anything but more failure to come.

To illustrate my point I give you two documents, both released in the past 48 hours, from a pair of government departments, and both superficially positive about cycling while being utterly depressing for anyone who rides a bike and appreciates the benefits of more people riding bikes.

The first, from which the quote above is taken, is the Department for Transport's (DfT) long-delayed response to the Get Britain Cycling inquiry.

The inquiry's report, produced in April by the all-party parliamentary cycling group, was thorough and eminently sensible, recommending a formal government commitment to increase cycling from its current pitiful level of 2% of all journeys to 10% and then 20% using a variety of measures, including increased spending on infrastructure and a "cycling champion" to lead efforts. Thanks to the tireless efforts of both the Times, which agitated for the inquiry, and the MPs who co-chaired it, Ian Austin and Julian Huppert, there will even be a parliamentary debate on the report on Monday.

But much as it pains me to write this, I can't see much coming from all this. Yes, it's another chance to raise the two fundamental points of the debate, which can't be repeated too often – more cycling is almost entirely good for a county's welfare; and we know very well how to get more people cycling – but that's about it.

The DfT response document offers virtually nothing new. The one concession is a commitment to look into the often pitifully lax sentences for drivers who kill on the roads. Two of the arguably most significant demanded changes – a target for increased bike use and the cycling champion – are turned down outright. The remaining 15 recommendations are mainly answered by referring either to existing projects ("Since February 2012 the Department for Transport has made an additional £159m available for cycling infrastructure") or pushing responsibility elsewhere ("The Department for Transport expects local authorities to up their game in delivering infrastructure that takes cycling into account").

The only bit which involves new cash manages, amazingly, to be more depressing still. Get Britain Cycling argued sensibly that government departments who benefit from more cycling, like health and business, should also put their hands into their pockets to pay for infrastructure. "Good idea!" said the DfT (I paraphrase). So, the Department of Health, which endures extra costs from physical inactivity estimated at around £1bn a year, is coughing up. A million pounds. Over two years. In departmental budget terms that's the spare change they find down the back of the sofa.

If you believe the DfT's words about being committed to cycling the only conclusion from all this is that they genuinely think they're already on the right track, and with the odd tweak here or there, before you know it we're a cycling nation. Alternatively, it's all so much meaningless words, and they know it.

Because one thing is clear: at the moment, Britain is a long, long, long way from being one of the continent's cycling nations. However you measure cycling rates, Britain is generally somewhere near the bottom of the EU league, generally rubbing shoulders with the likes of Cyprus, Portugal and Malta.

Another part of the DfT response deals with the vital issue of planning, and how to make sure cyclists' needs are considered from the beginning with new building and infrastructure projects. Nothing to worry about, the department says, the National Planning Policy Framework has this covered – it sets out that walking and cycling facilities should always be a key part of such design.

OK. It seems odd, however, that the DfT forgot to mention a big change to planning guidance. The new, "streamlined" advice was, admittedly, published by the Communities and Local Government (CLG) department a day after the DfT response, but its contents were well trailed in advance by none other than the communities secretary, Eric Pickles.

The revamped CLG advice has a whole section on travel plans and transport assessments, the mechanisms through which cycling and other forms of "sustainable travel", as they're known, are delivered.

It's mainly a lot of technical flimflam, but ends with a section which could have been personally dictated by "war on motorists" Pickles, and quite possibly was. Read it and feel any flickering hope that this government cares a fig about cycling being snuffled out.

It starts, "Can travel plans, transport assessments or transport statements be used to justify higher parking charges or other constraints on car users?" before expressing one long "No!"

While travel plans are intended to promote the most sustainable forms of transport, such as active travel, they should not be used to justify penalising motorists – for instance through higher parking charges, tougher enforcement or reduced parking provision (which can simply lead to more on street parking). Nor should they be used to justify aggressive traffic calming measures, such as speed humps.

Hang on. So they should promote sustainable transport while doing nothing to impede unsustainable transport? There's no reason why "drivers" need necessarily be pitted in battle against "cyclists" in policy matters, not least because they – I, we – are very often the same people. But speak to any cycle campaigner and they'll say that a real increase in bike use needs to be driven in two ways – the carrot of safe riding infrastructure et al and the stick of making driving slightly less attractive.

Pickles appears to want to do neither. Speed humps slow motorised traffic, enforcing urban speed limits that too many drivers otherwise ignore. You could call them anti-car, but it might be more accurate to call them pro-human. This is Pickles' vision of Britain's towns: roads full of cars speeding to copious and cheap parking spaces.

Despair, cyclists. This is the reality. It's possible Britain might become a "cycling nation", but at this rate it won't be happening in my lifetime.

11.45pm update

Further to Pickles and parking, the Campaign to Protect Rural England, which among its many tasks keeps an eye on sustainable transport, has pointed me towards a big DfT study from 2008 about the effects of "maximum parking standards", ie not making it too cheap and easily available. The research was done in 2008 but only made public three years later when the CPRE made a Freedom of Information request.

The report's conclusions seem very clear. One says:

A clear relationship, backed up by strong evidence from many sources, has been shown regarding the implementation of maximum parking standards and the take up and success of Travel Plans.

In other words, plentiful and cheap parking means people won't walk or cycle. And does getting tough on parking harm businesses? No, says the study:

Extensive research undertaken within the UK and Europe has clearly shown that there have been no adverse economic development impacts following the introduction of maximum parking standards.

In fact, it adds later, "some evidence suggests that maximum parking standards will support business and the economy". This can all sound a bit dry and wonk-ish, but there's a very important message: the Pickles doctrine is emotional and political, not based on evidence. He, and by inference the government, are instinctively anti-bike.

Separately, the CPRE has its own resources on parking and travel patterns. © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

via Environment: Bike blog |

Ken Butler’s Hybrid Instruments

Screen shot 2013-08-29 at 7.22.27 PM Brooklyn-based artist Ken Butler has been creating his imaginative instruments since 1978.

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via MAKE

Thursday, 29 August 2013

OpenDesk distributed manufacturing

Open source micro-factory turns your local laser cutter/CNC into a private IKEA Exploring new models for open and collaborative digitally fabricated design, OpenDesk aims to become the destination of choice for modern open source furniture. “By downloading, printing, purchasing or customising an OpenDesk, you’re helping to create a new way of buying products. One that’s more transparent, [...]

via Ponoko - Blog

OpenDesk distributed manufacturing

Open source micro-factory turns your local laser cutter/CNC into a private IKEA Exploring new models for open and collaborative digitally fabricated design, OpenDesk aims to become the destination of choice for modern open source furniture. “By downloading, printing, purchasing or customising an OpenDesk, you’re helping to create a new way of buying products. One that’s more transparent, [...]

via Ponoko - Blog

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Raspberry Pi Emulates a Retro Mac at 1/3 Scale

macnme John Badger from RetroMacCast shows off his replica retro Macintosh which he built using sheet PVC and a Raspberry Pi.

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via MAKE

12 ways to improve your bike with sugru

Bikes are the ultimate mode of transportation if you ask us. They get the wind in your hair. They're energising. They're environmentally awesome. They slip through commuter traffic and the countryside like nobody's business. They're just hella-fun!

Naturally, bikes need a bit of TLC to keep them sweet, and they respond well to personalising - making sugru a highly versatile addition to your cycle kit. Top cycling site BikeRadar agree, calling it 'an incredibly useful tool.' We've put together 10 ways to modify your ride and to make it work better for you.

1. Attach your bike bell to your brake lever

You can use sugru to make your bike bell easier to reach while you ride.

2. Adapt parts of your bike so they work better for you

The brakes on Michiel's secondhand bike were too short for his fingers - so he adapted them with some sugru. Problem solved!

3. Give yourself a better sense of direction

Ben cycles around London quite a bit, but admits he has a pretty terrible sense of direction! This little improvement has revolutionised his cycling - it's quicker and safter than stopping to check a smartphone.

3. Attach a mirror to your handlebars

Mike uses mirrors while cycling, but the original mounts were loose-fitting and he was always readjusting them. So he attached mirrors to his handlebars at just the angle he needed.

4. Make a removeable smartphone bike mount

Rayco sent us this clever way to keep your GPS or maps smartphone app handy when riding about town.

5. Skip duct tape and glue - make an invisible fix

This sugru-er used yellow sugru to seamlessly secure his handlebar tape. And you can also mix sugru to make new colours! This technique is perfect for creating invisible fixes and adaptations for any colour-scheme. Read more about colour mixing sugru

6. Mount a camera to your handlebars

Henry sugru-ed his camera to his handlebars - sugru is great for this as it has excellent dampening properties and will absorb shakes while filming.

. Customise your bike grips

James made his own handle grips that fit his hands just so.

8. Make your kit easier to use when in motion

Like Duncan, who made the light switch easier to switch on and off while he was riding.

9. Create some extra storage space for your commute

Michiel attached a bike-messenger-style tube to give him a little extra space to store stuff on his commute.

10. Make your bike basket more secure

sugru-er Eleanor loves to use her bike basket to carry her stuff around, but on bumpy roads things can bounce out - so she made some sugru hooks and attached elastic to keep things in place.

11. Silence a noisy mudguard

Smooth out the bone-rattling effect mudguards can have with a simple sugru bumper

12. Make your bottle holder more versatile

Taking wine to a party? Pop it into your sugru-padded bottle holder for a streamlined and breakage-free ride! Kudos to Johann in Vancouver for this ingenious idea :)

via sugru

Constellations Geometric Collages by Chad Wys

Hand-made and digital together in a series of constellation-themed geometric collages.

via Design Milk

Fuck your fireplace full of frame cluster.

As an overview of visual and design tropes, Fuck Your Noguchi Coffee Table does exactly what it says on the terrarium.

via Visual Communication

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Did anyone design better wooden machines than Leonardo da Vinci?

Here is some video showing part of an exhibit that was at the California University of Pennsylvania titled Leonardo da Vinci: Machines in Motion. In it, we see the breadth of Leonardo's genius. There is a large-scale wing designed for human flight, a pillar lifting device, and a water-powered saw mill. This, of course, just scratches the surface of what he created, but it gives you a feel for the ingenious way in which his mind worked on a both practical and fanciful problems.

If you are as fascinated by Leonardo's machines as I am, you might want to check out the book Leonardo's Machines: Da Vinci's Inventions Revealed which gets a 5-star rating on Amazon -- no small accomplishment.

From the book description:

This unique volume combines work from the original secret, coded, notebooks along with modern computer imaging, to piece together over 30 of Leonardo da Vinci's mechanical inventions into a sensational set of never-seen-before artworks. From Leonardo da Vinci's descriptions and drawings - and by using digital imaging - armoured ships, hydraulic machinery, winches and machines destined for use in war, work and pleasure emerge fully equipped and functional in stunning 3-dimensional, computer-generated artworks.

Also of interest may be a different book, Leonardo's Machines: Secrets & Inventions in the Da Vinci Codices. This one explores what Leonardo's inventions would have looked like if his sketches were brought to life in three dimensions. Sadly, we can't preview the inside of this book on Amazon, but the reviewers like it. Let me know if you have it and like it.

via The Automata Blog